January letter from the Club Secretary
Friday, 13th January 2023
A few reminders
Club Uniforms
Lesley Hewson is responsible for ordering club polo shirts, jackets and gilets and would like to know if any members would like to place an order in readiness for the new outdoor season. If so, enter your name with your order on the list on the club notice board in the Bower where there are pictures of the shirts etc, and a measurement chart. Alternatively contact Lesley direct on 01228/561210 or 07548665450 or by email on lhewson50@gmail.com. Don't delay as Lesley is about to put in an order.
CBA Monthly Draw Club
For those of you who may be unaware Cumbria Bowling Association (CBA) run a monthly draw. Becoming a member of the CBA Monthly Draw Club costs just £2 per month per entry. Subscriptions can be paid by monthly standing order, or annually by cheque (£24). 50% of all monthly subscriptions will be paid out as prize monies. There are four prizes awarded each month. To join the club you will need to complete an application form which you send to the County Treasurer, Steve Griffiths. If anyone is wishing to participate please contact me for an application form. Wetheral BC is a member of the club and over the years have occasionally won a prize. However this is an opportunity for individuals to participate.
Annual Subscription
In accordance with the club rules the annual subscription for full members (£60) is due to be paid on or before the 4th of March this year. The payment options are as follows:
Online - Barclays Bank, Sort Code 20-18-47, Account No.30935549, Payee Name - Wetheral Bowling Club.
Cheque - made out to "Wetheral Bowling Club".
If at all possible please pay online, otherwise to me at the Coffee Morning on the 4th of March. Should any member not wish to renew their membership I would be grateful if you would let me know please.
Annual General Meeting
The AGM was held on Monday the 28th November 2022. 36 full members attended, 46% of the current full membership. A further 15% sent their apologies. Contact the Club Secretary if you would like a copy of the minutes, Secretary's Report or the Treasurer's Report & Accounts.