Club Secretary's Newsletter August 2023

Friday, 18th August 2023

eful information for all members

Championship Finals Day

The Men's and Ladies Championship Finals take place on Saturday the 12th of August starting at 2pm. The bar will be open and tea/coffee/biscuits will also be available. The finalists are:

Men:     Eric Brough v Bob Sewell (Marker – John Grierson)

Ladies:  Pat Backhouse  v  Ann Smith (Marker – Lesley Hewson)

Come and support the finalists, hopefully the weather will have improved by then.

Club Competitions

Both the Men's and Ladies club competitions are nearing completion with only the finals left which must be played before Sunday the 3rd of September. Two finals have already been completed:

Men's Pairs: Eric Brough & David Stobo won against Phil Cottier & Bob Sewell

Mixed Pairs: Bob Sewell & Irene Scott won against David Stobo & Carol Brough

The remaining finalists are as follows:

Men's competitions:

Bryden Cup: Phil Cottier v John Opray

James Trophy: Trevor Green v John Sibley

Non-Winners Trophy: Bill Candeland v Phil Cottier

Ladies competitions:

Blease Cup: Yvonne Opray v Ann Smith

Olive McKinlay Rosebowl: Hazel Jefferson v Ann Smith

Non-Winners Trophy: Alison Armstrong v Yvonne Opray

Ladies Pairs: Judith Clifford & Carol Smith v Sandra Kay & Irene Scott

Mixed competitions:

Mr & Mrs: Derek & Sandra Kay v John & Yvonne Opray

Past Presidents Cup: Ruth Hewetson v John Sibley

Congratulations to John & Yvonne Opray and Phil Cottier for reaching finals in their first season playing club competitions.

Presentation Night Dinner Dance

Presentation Night will take place on Friday the 20th of October at the Auctioneer, Rosehill, Carlisle. A notice is now on display in the Bower for you to put your names down if you wish to attend. It is important for the Auctioneer to know how many of each main course on the dinner menu are required. The choice is between beef, salmon or the vegetarian alternative. Against your name indicate your choice, either beef (B), salmon (S), or vegetarian (V). The ticket price has yet to be determined. Last year the tickets were priced at £25. Tickets should be paid for at the Coffee Morning on the 7th of October.

Winter Social Activities

The planned programme of social events for the winter months at the moment is as follows:

Friday 20th October – Presentation Night at the Auctioneer
Saturday 18th November – Domino Drive
Saturday 9th December -  Christmas Party
Saturday 20th January -  Burns Night   
Saturday 24th February -  Quiz Night  
Saturday 23rd March -  Ukulele Music Night by “Ukes Akimbo”      


Outdoor Season Closure/ Indoor Season Start

The outdoor season closes on Friday the 22nd of September. The Greenkeeper, Rob Tapper, needs to start his autumn maintenance programme. 

The Short Mat season commences on Tuesday the 26th of September. There will be 3 sessions per week -  Tuesdays 1.30 – 3.30, Wednesdays 7.00 – 9.00, Fridays 1.30 – 3.30 & 7.00 – 9.00. Playing fees will be £2 per session with tea/coffee & biscuits provided. The annual subscription of £10 to be paid before the 13th October. Membership will be limited to 40 members. Members will be responsible for lifting and laying mats whenever necessary, eg for coffee mornings and socials. It is hoped to arrange a number of friendly matches against other short mat clubs.

Club Uniforms

Lesley Hewson is responsible for ordering club polo shirts, jackets and gilets and would like to know if any members would like to place an order in readiness for the outdoor season next year. If so, enter your name with your order on the list on the club notice board in the Bower where there are pictures of the shirts etc, and a measurement chart. Alternatively contact Lesley direct on 01228/561210 or 07548665450 or by email on Don't delay as Lesley wishes to put in an order early in February.

Coffee Mornings – Monthly Draw & Joker

In respect of the Monthly Draw & Joker which take place each Coffee Morning please remember that both annual subscriptions are due on the 1st of October. At the Coffee Morning on Saturday the 7th of October the subscription of £12 for the Monthly Draw should be paid to Secretary John Sibley and the subscription of £12 for the Joker should be paid to Chairman John Proctor. There are 3 prizes in the Monthly Draw - £20, £10, & £5. If the Joker is not selected each month the prize money continues to increase. In respect of both competitions members who do not participate at the moment are most welcome to join in. 

2023 Tour Pens

There are still quite a number of pens left from the 2023 Tour. They are good quality pens and are available to purchase at £1 each. Please contact Secretary John Sibley if any members are interested in purchasing.