News from the Club Secretary February 2024
Thursday, 8th February 2024
Useful information for the 2024 season.
On Monday 29th January the Management Committee met and there were a number of decisions made which affect the membership, details of which are set out below together with other useful information:
Annual Subscription
The Management Committee annually review the level of subscription for full members. The last increase from £55 to £60 was approved at the AGM held in November 2018. Currently we have concerns about future arrangements for maintaining the green given the Green Manager's ill-health and the lack of volunteers coming forward to help out. We have reached the point where we are having to consider bringing in outside help on the green. Such an arrangement would mean the club will have to pay for this help and this is the main reason the Management Committee have decided to increase the annual subscription for full members from £60 to £70 effective immediately. As several members have already paid £60 for the forthcoming season I would be grateful if they would pay the balance of £10 please.
In accordance with the club rules the annual subscription for full members (now £70) is due to be paid on or before the 2nd March this year. The payment options are as follows:
Online - Barclays Bank
- Sort Code 20-18-47
- Account No. 30935549
- Payee name - Wetheral Bowling Club
Cheque – made out to “Wetheral Bowling Club”
If at all possible please pay online, otherwise at the coffee morning on the 2nd March. Should any member not wish to renew their membership I would be grateful if you would let me know please.
Revised Constitution (the Club Rules)
The last time the club's constitution was updated and re-printed was in November 2012, nearly 12 years ago. Considerable changes have taken place since then, approved by the Management Committee in 2016, 2019, 2020, & 2023, and need to be incorporated in a new version of the constitution. Using the 2012 rules as a starting point and using Bowls England's Model Constitution document as a guide the constitution has been revised and tailored to suit this club's particular circumstances. The Management Committee on Monday approved the changes and the new rules come into effect immediately. A draft is being sent to H & H Reeds Printers for re-printing in booklet form. Upon delivery of the new booklets members will be inform so that they can request a copy if required. A copy of the new constitution has be posted on the notice board in the Bower.
Opening Day Arrangements
At the Management Committee meeting on Monday it was agreed that Opening Day this year will take place on Sunday the 14th April. Lunch will be served at 1pm. After a photocall the Green will be officially opened at 2.30pm, followed by a “Spider” and then a mixed jumble. A notice has been put up in the Bower for members to add their names if they require lunch. A further email will be sent out shortly with more details. Obviously much work is necessary to prepare for Opening Day and the ensuing playing season and volunteers will be asked to come forward to help out.
Club Tour 2024 & Future Tours
The itinerary has been put together for the club tour next year from the 17th May to the 20th May at a cost of £375 per person (singles £415):
Bacon butty and coffee/tea at Moffat House Hotel at Moffat;
Visit to Balloch on the south-west shores of Loch Lomond on the way to Troon;
Three night stay at the South Beach Hotel in Troon which includes dinner, bed & breakfast;
Bowls matches have been arranged at Portland BC in Kilmarnock on the Saturday and at Ardrossan BC on the Sunday.
On the return journey we will visit Dumfries House on the way home.
The Management Committee on Monday were informed by the Tour Organising Committee (Ruth Hewetson, John Sibley, & John Proctor) that they are relinquishing their positions on the committee after the current tour. If the membership wish to continue with the annual tours then a new organising committee will need to be formed. If any members are interested in taking over on the Tour Organising Committee please contact either Ruth Hewetson (07766759953) or John Sibley (07879084982).
Winter Social Activities
Currently our social events are organised by Ruth Hewetson. Unfortunately Ruth is having to relinquish her position as the Social Secretary which means that if the membership want to continue with social events then someone will have to come forward to take over this role. Actually, according to the club rules, there should be more than one person involved. In fact there should be two ladies and two gentlemen. If any members are interested in taking over organising the social events please contact Ruth Hewetson (07766759953).
Just a reminder of the planned programme of social events over the next two months:
Saturday 24th February – Quiz Night
Saturday 23th March – Ukulele Music Night
Notices are posted about these events in the Bower for you to put your names down if you wish to attend. It is important that we know how many will be attending for catering purposes. Please support these events, they are important fund raising events for the club.
Defibrillator Training
FMC Training Services are visiting Wetheral Bowling Club on Thursday the 7th March at 3.30pm to train members in the use of our defibrillator and also when to commence CPR on an adult. The training session should last about an hour and a half. A notice has been posted in the Bower for anyone wishing to attend to enter their names. In addition it is also important that you also inform Irene Scott that you wish to attend, either by telephone (01228/493437 or 07783164440) or by email (
Security Arrangements
The Facilities Manager, Stewart Elliot, has reported he has been receiving a lot of complaints regarding the lock on the main door to the Bower and in particular the difficulties members are experiencing in locking the door. Stewart puts the problem mainly down to wear and tear given the age of the existing locking system. His suggestion to renew all the locks on the premises, ie Bower, Equipment Store, Gates, etc. was discussed at the Management Committee on Monday and it was agreed that he should go ahead with replacement of the locking systems.
New Members Meeting
We intend to hold a meeting for new members on Wednesday the 27th March at 10am in the Bower. Members who have joined the club since last March will be notified by email and invited to attend if they wish. Older members may also attend if they wish, effectively it is open house! The idea of such a meeting is that you come along to the Bower to have an informal chat with representatives of the Management Committee who will explain how the club works, and answer any questions or concerns you may have.
League Fixtures
Most of the fixtures for the various leagues have arrived and the Match Secretary, Mike Scott, is currently putting together the full fixture list for the forthcoming season.
The various League starting dates are as follows:
Stan Bragg League – Monday 6th May – Team Captain: John Sibley
Eden Valley League – Tuesday 23rd April – Team Captain: David White
Ladies Cumbria League – Wednesday 22nd May – Team Captain: Hazel Jefferson
Carliol Thursday League – Thursday 2nd May – Team Captain: John Proctor
Carliol Over 60s League – Friday 3rd May – Team Captain: Mike Scott
On display on the club notice boards are sheets for each League for members to indicate that they are interested in playing in the league teams. If you wish to participate ensure that your name is down on the league sheet you wish to play in. It is from these sheets that teams will be selected by the Team Captains.
Thank you. Enjoy the forthcoming season.
John Sibley, Secretary. February 2024.